How to Write the Perfect Blog Post: My 10,000 Word Journey
Starting a blog was one of the most rewarding things I’ve done in my career. As someone who loves writing and connecting with readers, having an outlet to share my thoughts while potentially helping others has been an incredible experience.
When I first began blogging a few years ago, I really had no idea what I was doing. I would just sit down at my computer whenever inspiration struck and write whatever came to mind. Sometimes I would publish posts without even proofreading them because I was so eager to get my ideas out there.
Looking back now, those early posts were pretty rough. It’s almost cringe-worthy to read some of my early writing. But we all have to start somewhere, right? Even though I made plenty of mistakes (which I’ll detail later in this post), blogging has enabled me to find my voice, create helpful content, and connect with readers from all walks of life.
If you’re thinking about starting a blog but feel intimidated or don’t know where to begin, I want this post to encourage you. You don’t have to have everything figured out on day one. I certainly didn’t! Consider this your kick in the pants to just take that first step and start writing.
And to help you avoid some of the early pitfalls I encountered, I’ll take you through a step-by-step guide to learn how to write a great post, drawing from my own experience as well as expert insights from top bloggers. Get ready to take notes!
How to Write a Blog Post, Step 1: Choosing a Blog Topic and Niche
The first step to writing an amazing blog post that you want to read is choosing a compelling topic. This might seem obvious, but deciding on a specific blog niche and zeroing in on topics and angles within that niche can be tricky.
When I started my blog, I made the mistake of trying to cover too many unrelated topics. From productivity tips to book reviews to travel stories, my blog lacked focus. It felt more like a personal diary than a platform providing value to readers. I also needed to make it easier to read.